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Psychology Lab Consists test personality assessment tools and other Conduction and Psychology related important Questioner Schedule, Inventory etc.


S.NO. Test Name Writeer Name 
1 Achievement Test in Biology Dr. S.C. Gakhar
2 A Study of the Teachers reaction for frustrations in school situation  " "
3 Cognitive style inventory  Praveen Kumar Jha
4 Carrer Reference Record Vivek Bhargava
5 Concept achievement ( formation /test) Dr. N. Rajamanickam
6 Education Interest record S.P. Kulshrestha
7 Environment awarness ability measure  Praveen Kumar Jha
8 Environment Education Bhargava
9 Education Psychology Vivek Bhargava
10 Group test of intelligence  G.C. Ahuja
11 General Classroom achievement test A.K. Singh
12 Long term memory B.B. Asthana
13 Mental Fatigue Test Vivek Bhargava
14 Mangal Teacher adjustment Inventory S.K. Mangal
15 Problem Solving ability test L.N. Dubey
16 Programmed Int.mat.of linear prog. ONA/P voice Dr. Punit Govil
17 Passi Test of creativity B.K. Passi
18 Retroactive innibition (Effect of inter polated activities on previous) Rekha Bhargav
19 Scientific attitude scale  Shailaja Bhagwat
20 Sentence Completion test Archana Dubey
21 Scientific aptitute test Dr. K.K. Agarwal
22 Short term memory B.B. Asthana
23 Social Motives Scales  Dr. Ram Narayan
24 Teacher Value inventory Dr. Mr. Harbhajan L.Singh
25 Teacher aptitude test Battery  Dr. R.P. Singh
26 TAT Record and analysisi blank Mahesh Bhargave
27 Teachers attitude inventory S.P.Ahlu Walia

S.No. List of Equipment 
1 Card Sorting tray with cards and anodised no. plates for habit inter
2 Dimensional personality inventory
3 Development of Indian Edu (Transparancies)
4 Educational & Psychological Charts
5 Finger Dexterity board with Pins and manual
6 Human maze learning pointing (Electrical with menual)
7 History & Development of Indian Edu.
8 Muller lire Illusion with stand with scale and manual
9 Mirror drawing electrical with manual
10 Mamory drum (Hand oprated) with manual Psychological tests & apparatas (Tran)
11 Photo of Psychologist 
12 Research Methodology (Tran)
13 Steadiness Tester Elec. Simple W/M
14 Teaching aids (CD)
15 Teaching of social Science (Tran)